RO Water Purifier Buying Guide

Consuming Water Directly From Tap Or Borewell Can Be Danger

It is obvious that purified water is better than tap water. Because you didn’t know that what amount of impurities are present in the tap water. It is truly said “Health is Wealth”. Health is most important part of one’s life because a healthy person can work and look out his family well and also most of the health problems are causes of drinking impure water.



Best Water Purification Technology For Your Home

To choose the best water purifier for your home you should have proper knowledge of technologies used in water purification. Either buyer may face the same problem as all buyers facing while buying water purification technology. RO + UV technologies are commonly used in almost water purifiers. People believe that RO water purifier are mostly used and is better technologies of water purification. At present, a new technology named UF is also gained prominence and used with RO and UV which confuses buyer more. Hence now-a-days technologies used in water purifiers in India are RO or Reverse Osmosis, UV or Ultra Violet, UF or Ultra Filtration etc. Some companies also use TDS and MI technologies together with RO+UV+UF.



Water is Life. Benefits of Having Pure Healthy Water

Drinking water throughout the day will help your body function at maximum level. Since our body is almost two-thirds water, understanding water's important role in the body we can keep ourselves healthy. Pure and healthy water gives use more energy to work. It also helps us in performing better and efficient work. (more…)


Things You Must Consider While Buying Water Purifier

People shop online and prefer to purchase low-cost water purifiers. Later they have to suffer for making a wrong decision. Which purifier is right for you is one of the confusing question comes in mind while buying water purifier. Depending on the water supply different type of purifiers are available with latest technology in market. Various points should be considered and kept in mind before buying or selecting best water purifier for home use.
